Strengthening civil society activism

Civil society activism is the cornerstone of all FES activities. Most of our work is interspersed with initiatives from civil society actors. The primary purpose of this focus area is to facilitate more intensive roles for young leaders and to build capacity among partner organisations so that they are more sensitive and precise to emerging needs. It also aims to improve awareness on basic concepts of democracy and good governance and to place suitable civil society actors in positions that would enable them to play important roles in political decision-making.

Progressive social engagement

This serves a wider framework of interests in the social sphere. It seeks to engage various social stakeholders on key issues that concern them, in order to achieve progressive reforms. It primarily aims to facilitate the integration of the interests of youth and women into the political process of the country, bring together social actors of different ethnic communities in order to discuss issues of local concern with a view to addressing them, and subjecting to discussion and dialog strategies for good governance in the political and public sector among relevant actors and advocacy initiatives. Further in support of these initiatives related research, analysis, documentation, and trainings are also envisaged to foster the preliminary objective.

Trade union empowerment

The FES draws upon decades of experience in collaborating with trade union initiatives. This forms an integral part of its activities in Sri Lanka. The collaboration process seeks to facilitate the development of capacity among young and second-level trade union activists; inculcate knowledge on international labour standards and related advocacy skills; and to promote union organising and representation strategies. It also focuses on enhancing joint trade union initiatives on issues of common interest. The ultimate aim is the pragmatic modernisation of trade unions in strength, vision and functioning to keep with emerging trends.

Civil society initiatives in the Maldives

Initiatives in the Maldives are still at a preliminary stage. They focus on basic civil society activism and fostering of a democratic socio-political process. The emphasis is on strengthening the fundamentals of a democratic governance process through active contribution of civil society actors. The focus on the promotion of a tripartite industrial relations process together with worker stakeholders also figures prominently.

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